
Saturday, October 27, 2012

Being Awesome on Halloween

Halloween is one of the best holidays.  I trick-or-treated into college, because candy is awesome, of course.  But the candy aspect of Halloween is only the icing on top of an awesome day for me.  Sorry, candy companies that petitioned government to extend day-light savings so that Halloween can have more sunlight hours, and therefore they can make more money!  I eat candy whether it's Halloween or not, so I'm playing into Candy Consumerism all the time!  Take that!

Halloween has is something much deeper than a chocolatey-good time.

I think the reason why most people really love Halloween is the dressing up part.  Not because you get to be slutty, or be someone other than yourself; I think it's because you are given an opportunity to show people a part of yourself that is otherwise only expressed in words.  Well, for most people.

I'm pretty sure this is how she always dresses.

Halloween is the one day of the year that you can be whatever or whoever you want, be as creative with your costume as you want, even act like your costume's personality.  It's not necessarily that you're allowed to step outside of yourself, it's that you are allowed to show other people that you really are as awesome as you think you are.

"See guys? I told you I'm a nerd and loved the Fifth Element.  I even have the Multipass!!"

Growing up, I was mostly a witch every year at Halloween.  I think I was fascinated with being able to use and control magic; I used to spend a lot of time trying to move things with my mind.  That and having any semblance of control over my life was very appealing.  So, I've always been pretty true to myself with my costumes.

Anyway, my best costumes have been things that are awesome.  For example:

I was a fucking rainbow one year.

Another time I was Margot Tennenbaum.  
I couldn't find a good wig, but other than that it was perfect.
Down to the wooden finger.

Last year, I was the 1% just to prove how politically aware I am.

Of course, I've had those costumes that were very much not awesome.  I was M.I.A. one year, and I basically just sprayed my hair black and poorly copied one of her outfits and looked like an idiot when no one knew who I was.  I also was a slutty Little Red Riding Hood in middle school.  That was pretty lame.  But I'm sure we've all had our costume low points, right?!

Since I've never done the scary thing before, this year I'm going to go with something that is truly scary: robots.

The problem I have decided on is that I'm in Honduras, so how am I going to find any motivation to do the most awesome thing?  And then I remembered how androids are scarier than robots because they look like humans.  After having this awesomely horrifying realization, and also realizing that dressing normally and saying "I'm an android" would get me my ass kicked, I have decided to take on Honduras as a challenge!  For the first time ever, my costume is going to depend mostly on my makeup instead of my clothes.  And I will be successful.

The thing about being an android is that you essentially have to look like Data, which frankly I am very ok with.

He seems pretty concerned about it, though.

This is what I did:

First, mix face paint of sepia, white, and a little bit of pink. 

Add to face and neck.

Gel yo mane.

Finally: be awesome and scare the shit out of some folks.

I also put some ColorStay Overtime for my lips so that the color doesn't come off and I used black paint for my hair line and blended it back.

I decided a plain grey outfit would work best just because I don't have a lot of clothes here and robots don't have a lot of clothing creativity in this day and age.

Happy Halloween!