So, I had a really weird interaction with a member of my family that I'm not really close to at all... And I have now realized it's because, apparently, that side of my family is crazy. Like, FOX News crazy. This is what he said:
"Just sayin most are assuming
gated community means white on black. Minority on minority is slightly
different than old white dude on young black dude."
Which basically means racism isn't racism unless a white person does it or thinks it. It was on facebook in response to this:
The article talks about how Trayvon Martin, a 17 year old Black kid, was murdered by George Zimmerman, a 28 year old Hispanic man, for walking through his gated community in Florida. Martin only had Skittles and an iced tea on him that he had just gotten at a gas station or something, no weapon, but Zimmerman felt threatened. And because he was so threatened by this kid, he followed him and shot him.
By the way, this is Trayvon Martin... I know, right?
Zimmerman is a fucking asshole.
So I said "Blah blah blah rude and also shut up and that is racist" and he deleted me. The point is that people like this exist. This kind of comment implies that because it was a Black man and a Hispanic man, and not a White man, the crime isn't that big of a deal. It implies that only White people are so privileged to be allowed to be racist and so privileged that only they can commit race crimes. But he also doesn't think he's saying anything wrong! I mean, even the way he said "white on black" versus "minority on minority," as if only in comparison to Whites do minorities have any identity.
The reason why this case is a big deal is that George Zimmerman very obviously murdered Trayvon Martin (read the list of facts here)
but is STILL not been arrested. I mean, just based on the series of
events where Martin was a skinny kid who had no weapons on him, called
the police because Zimmerman was following him, cried for help before
being shot, and Zimmerman admitted that he shot him should be enough to
at least arrest the guy. But it's basically just a blatantly racist Zimmerman with a history of mental issues (including racism)
and a responding officer with a history of racism (like letting a guy
go who was beating up on a Black homeless man) being racists. Basically, a 17 year old kid had to die because he is Black. There has been no real justice thus far because he is Black. There is so much evidence that Zimmerman is guilty that his walking free is a slap in the face to our so-called Justice System. This is just one more case to pile onto the "we live in an institutionally racist country" heap.
Iced T and Skittles, get it?
Another point is why this was allowed to happen... outside of the whole racist thing. (Because it was, Family Member. It was.) Florida passed a law in 2005 called the "Stand Your Ground" law, which allows citizens to use deadly force if they feel like they're in danger. Zimmerman was defending himself because he's so racist that he's afraid of a Black kid that weighed 100 lbs less than him. Essentially, anyone can kill anyone and say they felt like they were in danger later and get away with it. Way to go, Florida.
I guess we're just going to have to wait this one out. I don't really have that much faith in the government or the police, especially when issues of race or gender or sexuality are involved. We'll see.